Friday 9 November 2012

Week 15 - Final Presentation Video


Week 15 - Floor Plans

I didn't include my floor plans into my presentation as I was in the mindset that the architectural entity was more of a tool in helping portray our future scenario. After hearing feedback from both my tutor and the guest I know realize that adding them to my presentation would have made it more clear that I wanted my building to be a building which enabled people to be apart of all activities related to cycling not just the parking of their bikes.

Week 15 - Presentation Board

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Week 14 - Design Development

View Entering The Building Via Cnr or Elizabeth and George St

Facade Facing onto Queen St
Experimenting with forms that would allows sun to penetrate into the courtyard

New Site Location
After trying many different forms I still found it difficult to keep a gradual gradient on the ramps so I decided to extend the site through to Queen st. This also allows good access from different points into the site, along with inviting pedestrians to use the courtyard space to lunch in etc

Sunday 28 October 2012

Week 13 - Process Sketches

 After speaking with my tutor we discussed that the large ramp leading into the building might be too intruding on the street scape.
I started to play around with different forms trying to take into consideration the gradient of the ramps. I found it difficult to achieve a steady slope in the site I had provided for myself.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Week 13 - Process Sketches

I started thinking about the idea that the bicycles could ride up the entire building to not only make the building a destination for bike parking but a place of leisure and a place for cyclists of all kinds to spend time.

Some function that would be included in the building:  

- Bike Recharging stations
- Cafe
- Rooftop Bike Bar
- Vegetable Garden
- Bathrooms
- Lockers
- Reception
- Bike Store
- Bike Workshop

Monday 22 October 2012

Week 12 - Cycling Building Exemplars


Cycling Center

We Are You + Erik Hallberg

This building was designed to promote cycling and also to provide a place for cyclists of all different types to come and enjoy. It is an interesting example for me to look at as the aims for what it is sets out to bring to the city are similar to the ones I am hoping to achieve.

Denmark Pavilion Shanghai Expo 2010


I found the concept of this building very interesting. The fact that both pedestrians and cyclists could go on a journey around the building and not have to sacrifice their chosen mode of transport to explore the building. 
References: Furuto , Alison . "Cycling Center / We Are You + Erik Hallberg" 25 Jun 2012. ArchDaily. Retrieved Oct 20, 2012 <>  
Basulto , David . "Denmark Pavilion, Shanghai Expo 2010 / BIG" 03 May 2010. ArchDaily. Retrieved Oct 22, 2012 from

Thursday 18 October 2012

Week 12 - New Direction/Project Development

After slightly altering my future scenario I began to work on the development of my architectural entity. The building was to be focused around the bike riding culture that is going to take off.

I was having trouble thinking of ideas for function to be included in the building and for the form it was going to take so I did a small exercise of drawing 12 sketches in 12minutes, this helped me to narrow down on all the ideas floating around in my head.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Week 11 - Future Scenario Developing

It is 2025 and Brisbane's population has grown from 2million to 2.82 million people. This growth has forced the government to bring in many changes to the CBD. Brisbane has become a more sustainable city firstly by converting many streets into pedestrian only streets, allowing for more street space for infrastructure and stopping traffic congestion. Sophisticated bike paths have been implemented all over the city and leading out into the suburbs. Motorised electric bikes have become a popular mode of transportation and charging station which convert power harnessed to be released back into the cities electricity supply grid. Trams have been brought back into the city and more train lines have been put in place with transport running 24hrs a day.Because of these new changes the city has become run by pedestrians. The need for more recreational spaces in the city has risen due to the number of people roaming the streets. The city is so easily accessible at all times of the day there are more young adults walking the streets day and night.

- make scenario more based around the biking mode of transport

- ideas for building could be docking/bike storing station

- bike workshop

- vegan/healthy cafes

- small community gardens where the cafes/shops grow their food

- concert areas

- talk about infill projects

- not only infill buildings but recreation areas/parks

- sustainable healthy living hub

- bikes generate electricity for the building, food is grown and sold in cafe and shops

- could be a building completely run by young people (helping out disadvantage kids)

- urban power station

- george st site...instead of busway there is a new bicycle highway that comes directly into the building

- only access to the building is through this bikeway...makes it exclusive to bike users

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Week 11 - Future of Biking

After doing a great deal of research into the future of our cities and the part transport plays in this, I noticed that bikes played a large role in a lot of future predictions. I started to narrow my focus to this system of transport and what its role will be in the future.

One such role was that the use of bikes would be harnessing energy that goes back into the cities grid. These electric bikes would store the energy created by the rider while using the bike, this bike would then be plugged into some sort of docking station that would release this energy back into the cities electrical grid.

Another new concept which comes from Melbourne firm LAB Architecture in collaboration with others is represented in the video above. It is the concept of attached elevated bike only freeways to existing car freeways that provide faster, flatter and safer paths into the city.

Bikes are becoming more and more popular in cities around the world, they not only are a great way to travel in respects to fitness but they also create sense of community.

Reference List:

Monday 8 October 2012

Week 10 - Tutorial Reflection

During studio I was told that I need to think about the link between my architectural entity and the future scenario I had come up with. Why is there need for this new building in relation to a car free city? also what is it about this building that sets it apart from something that could be built today?

At first I went away confused as I thought my idea was related but then I started to think it over more and decided that I needed to do some further research and come up with a solid, more in depth scenario that was more focused and not so generalized. I really need to nut out the scenario before trying to create an architectural entity that exists because of it.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Week 10 - "Cultural Hub"

After deciding to target young people in Brisbane, I had a look at the behaviours and movements of young people in the city. I noticed that there is a large group of young adults hanging around Queen st mall that are into the music scene. They used to hang around the front of Hungry Jacks just sitting on the ground near the bins but now they seemed to have moved to the new seating area on Albert st outside the Rocking Horse music store. 

I came up with the idea to create a building were these young people could go instead of doing nothing, sitting in the mall. The building would be a cultural hub for youth and would include band practise rooms, art studios, stages, galleries, cafe, bar and seating areas spilling out onto the street. It would embrace the new pedestrianised street by having open spaces such as outdoor stages and seating areas. I spoke to a few students and asked them what they thought of the idea and what they would like to see more of in the city. One student responded "sounds like a good idea, would be cool to have a space were you could mingle with people of all creative backgrounds". Another student responded that "entertainment and music could be a good reason for people to populate these pedestrianised streets".

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week 9 - New Site Location

I have chosen to change the location of my site as my architectural proposal has developed. I think that this new location is better suited. This site also has allot of opportunity to have an impact on a new pedestrianised street scape. Not only is there an empty lot behind the Irish Pub here but it sits on the corner of two of the busiest car traffic streets of the city. When these become pedestrianised there will have to be a new building activating this space. The park diagonally across from this site at the moment does not get as much use as other green spaces around the city, I think but implementing a new community building there is opportunity to also improve the green space and make it more utilised. This site also has good access from the riverside bike way.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Week 9 - exemplar/inspiration

Peoples Meeting Dome

Kristoffer Tejlgaard & Benny Jepsen 

This public building was designed to be used as a place where citizens could come together and discuss the future of public housing in Bornholm. It includes seating areas and a stage where public talks could take place. 

I like the concept of this building in that it is a simple yet elegant structure which provides more of a private space but to be used by the general public. 

Instead of having to go to the nearest cafe etc there is this free public space that allows meeting and talks to be held.


Wilk Salinas

The badeschiff is a pool and recreation area.  People can come cool off during the summer then relax and have a drink at the bar or lie on the man made beach. During the winter time the area is transformed into a spa and sauna recreation centre that is enclosed which a think pvc membrane that allows light through but traps in heat. 

This is an example of an intersting public space that adapts and is used in both the long berlin winters and the brief but hot summers. It provides the public with a swimming and recreation area in the middle of their city, a place they would usually have to travel many hours to find. 

Reference List

Monday 17 September 2012

Week 8 - Site Location/User

If Brisbane CBD became a car free zone the streets would have to change to cater more for the pedestrian. All the streets in our allocated site would become walking streets accessible by bikeways or trams. I would like to focus on the young adult user of the city, at the moment the city does not have a lot of things do for young people to do besides shop and mull around in queen street. There are not many free public spaces for entertainment or just to sit, relax and eat lunch.

I propose to design a multi functional community building that is adaptable. The site location I have chosen is at the top of the Queen street mall on George st. I have chosen this location as it is quite a busy pedestrian traffic node as well as a place where many buses and taxis stop at the moment. When the cars are taken off the street I imagine it will remain quite busy as it is close to the city library and casino. Implementing a building for public use would break up the high traffic area and be a new landmark visible from many vantage points around the city. 

Saturday 15 September 2012

Week 8 - Project Development

Our future scenario chosen for the first assignment was What if energy was free?

As I am not very interested in this topic I have decided to take one of our smaller ideas and develop a new future scenario from it. We started to look at having different modes of transport for our future city as energy usage wouldnt be an issue, we came up with the idea of having small cars that are free and shared by the public within the city. I want to build on this topic of transport but instead of small cars that would use alot of energy and need roads to run on I want to propose that the city centre be a car free zone. By making this area a car free zone the introduction of better public transport would have to be considered. Whether this be the introduction of tram lines through the city or the possibilty of a 24hr undeground railway line. Improving and introducing new bikeways and green areas throughout the walking city would be part of this future vision. I want to start thinking how this scenario would impact on how the streets look, how the architecture would change now that each of the buildings will have a different presence on the pedestrian run streets.

 (Arch Daily, 2012)

Reference List:

Arch Daily. (2012). El Palmer Green Boulevard?Amann - Canovas-Maruri [Image]. Retrieved September 14, 2012, from

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Week 7 Reading - Function Follows Form

This reading is interesting as it flips the old saying "forms follows function" on its head. I agree that the form of a building does not come directly from its function, but I dont completely agree that the function of the building is completely dictated by its form either. I believe that the the form and function of a building are closely intertwined and neither one comes from the other.

As an architect we can only predict so far how a designed space is going to be used. In saying this the specific form of a building could allow for different functions to be performed by the users, but maybe not functions predicted by the architect.

An interesting idea would be to create a building form without adding furiture or items which can specifically determine a function for a space, but to leave it open and wait to see what function the users determine for the form that was created.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Week 7 Tutorial Reflection

 (Mansilla+Tuñón, 2011)

Today in the tutorial we were introduced to the new project. At this stage in project as always there was alot of confusion within the tutorial group. We spent the time discussing amongst ourselves and with the tutor trying to nut out what exactly it was we had to do. So far what I understand about the project is that its not particularly focused on creating a single architectural entity but rather a situation that is affected by the stage in which it is set and this stage does not neccesarily have to be based upon brisbane city but any urban situation. There was also alot of discussion about how the project was to be presented, posibble answers to this included using animation, drawing it up like a kind of storyboard and not really having to use conventional presentation techniques unless they are relevant to what you are trying to show. The task seems quite daunting at this stage as there is not alot of solid parameters and I have not worked on something of a similar nature before.

Reference List:

Mansilla,Tuñón. (2011). Symposium: Ljubljana Days of Oris [Image]. Retrieved September 8, 2012, from

Monday 13 August 2012

Week 4 Reading - Architectural Weaponry BLDG BLOG

I found this interview to be very interesting in that it talked about that in order to move forward in the world of architecture and designing, we need to not only be nurturing new ideas but producing them. By creating discussions amongst architects who work closely together we are not forcing or agitating new ideas to be realized.

 I have never thought that deeply into the evolution of architecture being a slow one, but after the reading this article and reflecting back on what I know about how architecture has evolved in recent times I have come to agree with this statement. Although there are constantly new ideas about how to produce architecture such as sustainability, the rate at which they grow seems to be constrained.

Maybe this is due to tradition holding us back, governing bodies and laws restraining our freedom as creators, or maybe it is the architects fault themselves for not using their skills to their full potential and convincing the client without much persuasion that there are more exciting and advantageous design solutions to be achieved.

Week 3 - Sustainable Future Design Charette

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Week 3 Reading - The Aspatial City

An aspatial city from my understanding is the concept that through advancements and popularity in the use of networking and data sharing websites is that there are new layers and dimensions to our cities and lives. The experience of a people and places not only exists in the physical realm but also in a virtual reality realm that I believe will only continue to grow and develop. Thinking futuristically our lives might begin to be more focused on this idea that we live in two cities, our virtual lives becoming more evolved in that we are not only sharing videos and photos etc but daily life duties such as work and study through this mode.

Monday 6 August 2012

Week 2 - Social and Cultural Charette

During this weeks tutorial we had to come up with some ideas relating to the topics of urban, suburban, regional and virtual. The groups idea for urban was directly related to the concept of what if there were no cars aloud to enter the city centre anymore, what would happen to the existing roads and car park spaces. We came up with the idea that there would need to be a lot more train lines and tram lines put in place to carry in products as well as humans. As well as this lots of the roads would be transformed into pedestrian friendly spaces and green spaces. The existing car parks we thought could be used as water tanks as well as underwater train stations. 

The second idea which stood out to me as a complete different way of living and thinking was the related to the topic of suburban. we looked at what the experience of shopping would be like if it was all done virtually. The group came up with the idea that instead of completely wiping out the shopping experience and having no one leave their homes that they would instead go to large warehouses. In these warehouses would be numerous transparent pods that customers could sit in while still being able to see other shoppers they could choose anything they needed on the screens in front of them.

Thinking about these concepts, makes me think about how much the architecture and urban fabric of cities would change. The social impacts these new ways of living would have on society and the costs involved. Also as to whether or not these changes would be beneficial in the long run.