Saturday 8 September 2012

Week 7 Tutorial Reflection

 (Mansilla+Tuñón, 2011)

Today in the tutorial we were introduced to the new project. At this stage in project as always there was alot of confusion within the tutorial group. We spent the time discussing amongst ourselves and with the tutor trying to nut out what exactly it was we had to do. So far what I understand about the project is that its not particularly focused on creating a single architectural entity but rather a situation that is affected by the stage in which it is set and this stage does not neccesarily have to be based upon brisbane city but any urban situation. There was also alot of discussion about how the project was to be presented, posibble answers to this included using animation, drawing it up like a kind of storyboard and not really having to use conventional presentation techniques unless they are relevant to what you are trying to show. The task seems quite daunting at this stage as there is not alot of solid parameters and I have not worked on something of a similar nature before.

Reference List:

Mansilla,Tuñón. (2011). Symposium: Ljubljana Days of Oris [Image]. Retrieved September 8, 2012, from

1 comment:

  1. I hope it's clearer by now. Let me know if it isn't.
