Monday 6 August 2012

Week 2 - Social and Cultural Charette

During this weeks tutorial we had to come up with some ideas relating to the topics of urban, suburban, regional and virtual. The groups idea for urban was directly related to the concept of what if there were no cars aloud to enter the city centre anymore, what would happen to the existing roads and car park spaces. We came up with the idea that there would need to be a lot more train lines and tram lines put in place to carry in products as well as humans. As well as this lots of the roads would be transformed into pedestrian friendly spaces and green spaces. The existing car parks we thought could be used as water tanks as well as underwater train stations. 

The second idea which stood out to me as a complete different way of living and thinking was the related to the topic of suburban. we looked at what the experience of shopping would be like if it was all done virtually. The group came up with the idea that instead of completely wiping out the shopping experience and having no one leave their homes that they would instead go to large warehouses. In these warehouses would be numerous transparent pods that customers could sit in while still being able to see other shoppers they could choose anything they needed on the screens in front of them.

Thinking about these concepts, makes me think about how much the architecture and urban fabric of cities would change. The social impacts these new ways of living would have on society and the costs involved. Also as to whether or not these changes would be beneficial in the long run.  

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